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第9部分(第1/6 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 世界入侵:從元素召喚開始無敵聯盟:選出艾希,Rita壞掉了漫威之黑光病毒網遊:強化999,1級就無敵!琪亞娜第三人格足球之開局躺個世界盃冠軍網遊:我用智商碾壓你隊友帶我嘎嘎亂鯊海島,全民垂釣,我獨獲史詩天賦全民穿越,異界迷霧求生後室:新世界在現實與遊戲中,尋回塵封的記憶網遊:我有一箭可破萬物我的領民美女多魔獸之光明聖女全民領主:開局抽到暗夜精靈全民末世遊戲,我開局無限增幅第四天災【救贖傭兵團】網遊:你管這叫卡牌師?魔獸:狼人傳

For undergraduate; we usually get them to write something that is sound; well…quoted in literature and the question is reasonable; that a scholar would ask。 Generally speaking; undergraduates don’t know how to do these things for their long essays in senior year。

C: What does a foreign student need to know about doing research in the United States?

D: Sometimes there is a particular difficulty for some cultures。 People from those cultures are accustomed to rote learning(死記硬背的學習)。 I see it’s very mon that they always memorize things and spell them out again。 They have to be broken of that because American learning is not a rote learning; maybe it should be for the earlier grades; like elementary and high schools with language and math。 But by the time they are 18 or 20; there should not be too much rote learning; but for some cultures; that’s difficult and it’s a shock for them。

Also; you have to know how to use resources in the ; how to use library and how to use professors。 The latter one is important and you have to know some munication skills to get help and instructions from professors。書包 網 。 想看書來

中國學生: 走出自己的圈子(2)

C: I think the relations between professors and students in the States are different from that in China。

D: How is that?

C: When I’m talking to you; I somehow feel like talking to a friend; more casually and frankly。 When I was in China; I always felt a gap confronting a professor。

D: I’m not unique in 
