首頁 > 遊戲競技 > gossip girl 11 英文 > 第8部分

第8部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 末世:我一個亡靈法師加什麼智力進入遊戲世界終於輪到我玩養成!我家戀愛選項不對勁網遊:身為奶爸一刀999很合理吧?一世容安重生:遊戲才剛出,你怎麼就亂殺世界RPG之大穿越異世玩魔獸網友我重生在遊戲釋出前一天衝榜拿首殺,戰力等級都第一穿成早死的炮灰原配我怒嫁反派足球的眼淚滿朝名臣,你讓我怎麼做昏君?山的那邊,刻著巔峰IG之名!詭異:快跑,他踏馬開了!王者:英雄超標?我真拿他上分!修仙:從靈農開始肝經驗全民:死靈法師,站著就是輸出艾澤拉斯的奧術師LOL:超神之路

closed trunk and waited。 Had Serena finally told Nate she was in love with him? Did he love

Serena back? Werethey going to run off to France together to adopt Cambodian twins?

?I didn?t get my diploma;? Nate blurted in a rush; as if hoping she might not catch the words。 ?I

have to repeat senior year at St。 Jude?s。? Blair grabbed the edge of the trunk she was sitting on

with white fingers; staring at him unprehendingly。

?I can?t go to Yale with you。? He clarified。 ?I?m so sorry。?

?What?? Blair screeched in disbelief。 She stood up; fingers clenched into fists at her sides。 ?What

did you say?? Nate?s face was an infuriating blank。 The whole room seemed to go red。 Seriously?

Was thisseriously happening? First her best friend betrayed her; then her family abandoned their

fucking home; then her car was practically ripped away from her; and now the supposed love of

her life was making her go off to college without him because he wasstuck in high school? Was

this seriously fuckinghappening?

?WHAT THE HELL; NATE!?? she screamed; throwing a pair of black alligator Manolos across

the room; narrowly missing his head。

Love hurts!

Blair?s head filled with static。 Nate wasn?t going to Yale with her?he was staying right here in

New York?in the city where very soon she would no longer have a home。 He might as well have

told her that hewas in love with Serena?the end resul
