首頁 > 遊戲競技 > gossip girl 10 英文 > 第11部分

第11部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 劍仙被遺忘,我轉職劍仙震驚全球海彤戰胤許雨晴沐長風江果果顧寒煜霍先生乖乖寵我喬蕎商陸夏時陸南沉網遊:我的寵物能進化成美少女帶著塔羅牌穿越到孤島求生聯盟:我,重新定義輔助!網遊:剛開局就超神了CSGO之走向巔峰斷絕關係後,法爺殺怪永久加屬性海洋求生,開局忽悠女明星做女友NBA:我打球真的只是興趣開局領先一個天賦怎麼輸我一個山賊,搶點美女玩家怎麼了我在地下城討生活呂頌梨秦晟小說最新章節免費閱讀穿成早死的炮灰原配我怒嫁反派呂頌梨秦晟

Wele to your new family; girls!

truth?stranger than fiction after all

?Turn your head now; just to the left a tiny centimeter。。。。 Another centimeter 。 。 。? Vanessa

plied; turning her head slightly to the left to allow Bailey Winter an unfettered look at her


?My goodness; isn?t that just yummy?? Bailey was talking to no one in particular as he scribbled

furiously in his crocodile…bound sketchbook; wielding his pencil and turning the pages like a

madman。 ?Yes; yes; Vanessa; my dear; this is it; you?ve really got it。 You give Giselle and Kate

and those little chickadees a run for their money now; don?t you; dearest? Mmmm!?

Only half…listening and unsure who Giselle and Kate were anyway; Vanessa fiddled with the

camera that was perched on her lap like a kitten。 She was reclining on a long stone divan laden

with enough pillows and fur throws to actually make it pretty fortable; but hot for a July

after…noon; with a nice; clear view of the pool。 She watched Chuck Bass frolicking in the shallow

end; clad only in a floral…print European…style bathing suit that left nothing to the imagination;

while his monkey perched on the diving board; eating a bowlful of grapes。

How erotic。

She wasn?t supposed to fiddle too much; so she couldn?t study the shot through the viewfinder;

but she was confident it was all cinematic gold: there was Chuck wading through the w

(美娛同人)[美娛]神農俠侶雲端gl男神第一妻   作者:風雅負國紅樓如玉君子肆意神尊