首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 富爸爸,窮爸爸(英文版) > 第23部分

第23部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 全民穿越,異界迷霧求生後室:新世界在現實與遊戲中,尋回塵封的記憶網遊:我有一箭可破萬物我的領民美女多魔獸之光明聖女全民領主:開局抽到暗夜精靈全民末世遊戲,我開局無限增幅第四天災【救贖傭兵團】網遊:你管這叫卡牌師?魔獸:狼人傳葉凝薄寒年喬若星顧景琰瓦:壞了,我成切割怪了!全民領主:從小木屋到道域之主劍仙被遺忘,我轉職劍仙震驚全球海彤戰胤許雨晴沐長風江果果顧寒煜霍先生乖乖寵我

There are many people in the world of money; finances and investments who have absolutely no idea what they're talking about。 Most people in the money industry are just spouting off sales pitches like used…car salesmen。

When you know you are ignorant in a subject; start educating yourself by finding an expert in the field or find a book on the subject。


Getting Started

I wish I could say acquiring wealth was easy for me; but it wasn't。

So in response to the question 〃How do I start?〃 I offer the thought process I go through on a day…by…day basis。 It really is easy to find great deals。 I promise you that。 It's just like riding a bike。 After a little wobbling; it's a piece of cake。 But when it es to money; it's the determination to get through the wobbling that's a personal thing。

To find million…dollar 〃deals of a lifetime〃 requires us to call on our financial genius。 I believe that each of us has a financial genius within us。 The problem is; our financial genius lies asleep; waiting to be called upon。 It lies asleep because our culture has educated us into believing that the love of money is the root of all evil。 It has encouraged us to learn a profession so we can work for money; but failed to teach us how to have money work for us。 It taught us not to worry about our financial future; our pany or the government would take care of us when our working days are over。 However; it is our children; educated in the same sch
