首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 富爸爸,窮爸爸(英文版) > 第15部分

第15部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 全民穿越,異界迷霧求生後室:新世界在現實與遊戲中,尋回塵封的記憶網遊:我有一箭可破萬物我的領民美女多魔獸之光明聖女全民領主:開局抽到暗夜精靈全民末世遊戲,我開局無限增幅第四天災【救贖傭兵團】網遊:你管這叫卡牌師?魔獸:狼人傳葉凝薄寒年喬若星顧景琰瓦:壞了,我成切割怪了!全民領主:從小木屋到道域之主劍仙被遺忘,我轉職劍仙震驚全球海彤戰胤許雨晴沐長風江果果顧寒煜霍先生乖乖寵我

at was his job。

From the time I was about 10 years old; I would hear from my rich dad that government workers were a pack of lazy thieves; and from my poor dad I would hear how the rich were greedy crooks who should be made to pay more taxes。 Both sides have valid points。 It was difficult to go to work for one of the biggest capitalists in town and e home to a father who was a prominent government leader。 It was not easy knowing who to believe。

Yet; when you study the history of taxes; an interesting perspective emerges。 As I said; the passage of taxes was only possible because the masses believed in the Robin Hood theory of economics; which was to take from the rich and give to everyone else。 The problem was that the government's appetite for money was so great that taxes soon needed to be levied on the middle class; and from there it kept 〃trickling down。〃

The rich; on the other hand; saw an opportunity。 They do not play by the same set of rules。 As I've stated; the rich already knew about corporations; which became popular in the days of sailing ships。 The rich created the corporation as a vehicle to limit their risk to the assets of each voyage。 The rich put their money into a corporation to finance the voyage。 The corporation would then hire a crew to sail to the New World to look for treasures。 If the ship was lost; the crew lost their lives; but the loss to the rich would be limited only to the money they invested for that particular voyage。 Th
