首頁 > 遊戲競技 > 富爸爸,窮爸爸(英文版) > 第4部分

第4部分(第1/8 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 全民穿越,異界迷霧求生後室:新世界在現實與遊戲中,尋回塵封的記憶網遊:我有一箭可破萬物我的領民美女多魔獸之光明聖女全民領主:開局抽到暗夜精靈全民末世遊戲,我開局無限增幅第四天災【救贖傭兵團】網遊:你管這叫卡牌師?魔獸:狼人傳葉凝薄寒年喬若星顧景琰瓦:壞了,我成切割怪了!全民領主:從小木屋到道域之主劍仙被遺忘,我轉職劍仙震驚全球海彤戰胤許雨晴沐長風江果果顧寒煜霍先生乖乖寵我

rks; so they spend their lives working for money。

Because I was only 9 years old when I started; the lessons my rich dad taught me were simple。 And when it was all said and done; there were only six main lessons; repeated over 30 years。 This book is about those six lessons; put as simply as possible as my rich dad put forth those lessons to me。 The lessons are not meant to be answers but guideposts。 Guideposts that will assist you and your children to grow wealthier no matter what happens in a world of increasing change and uncertainty。

Lesson #1 The Rich Don't Work for Money

Lesson #2 Why Teach Financial Literacy?

Lesson #3 Mind Your own Business

Lesson #4 The History of Taxes and the Power of Corporations

Lesson #5 The Rich Invent Money

Lesson #6 Work to Learn Don't Work for Money


Lesson One: The Rich Don't Work For Money

〃Dad; Can You Tell Me How to Get Rich?〃

My dad put down the evening paper。 〃Why do you want to get rich; son?〃

〃Because today Jimmy's mom drove up in their new Cadillac; and they were going to their beach house for the weekend。 He took three of his friends; but Mike and I weren't invited。 They told us we weren't invited because we were ‘poor kids'。〃

〃They did?〃 my dad asked incredulously。

〃Yeah; they did。〃 I replied in a hurt tone。

My dad silently shook his head; pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose and went back to reading the 
