首頁 > 遊戲競技 > The Rainbow-虹(英文版) > 第60部分

第60部分(第2/9 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 網友兩年半,野王兄弟竟是軟妹子王者:我玩啥,你們都說超標?神級煉藥師還卷啥,國家帶起飛!冰與火之鐵王座給予弱女鋼鐵之心正經在人間打醬油足球世界觀讓你練短跑,你破了世界紀錄?網遊:低調法神,我有加特林火球陸神的國服女友神詭異仙苟在新手村半年,出來震撼三國被神選中打天下狂屠鐵手:血肉神鍛開局七根羽毛,這也算天賦?模板奧尼爾,美女都是我的充電寶王者:是個英雄就超標,別太離譜世界盃:我把C羅喂吐了無止的界限開局暴力林丹體驗卡,我無敵了

 as if in another

element; inaccessible as the creatures that move in the water。

Fred Brangwen went in with another partner。 The music came in

waves。 One couple after another was washed and absorbed into the

deep underwater of the dance。

〃e;〃 said Ursula to Skrebensky; laying her hand on his


At the touch of her hand on his arm; his consciousness melted

away from him。 He took her into his arms; as if into the sure;

subtle power of his will; and they became one movement; one dual

movement; dancing on the slippery grass。 It would be endless;

this movement; it would continue for ever。 It was his will and

her will locked in a trance of motion; two wills locked in one

motion; yet never fusing; never yielding one to the other。 It

was a glaucous; intertwining; delicious flux and contest in


They were both absorbed into a profound silence; into a deep;

fluid underwater energy that gave them unlimited strength。 All

the dancers were waving intertwined in the flux of music。

Shadowy couples passed and repassed before the fire; the dancing

feet danced silently by into the darkness。 It was a vision of

the depths of the underworld; under the great flood。

There was a wonderful rocking of the darkness; slowly; a

great; slow swinging of the whole night; with the music playing

lightly on the surface; making the strange; 


償還大米蟲嫁腹黑總裁 嫁米蟲系列之一[綜]不平衡戀愛末世男的異世囤糧生活耽美 妖魅霸皇狂愛刁妻