首頁 > 遊戲競技 > The Rainbow-虹(英文版) > 第37部分

第37部分(第2/9 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 網友兩年半,野王兄弟竟是軟妹子王者:我玩啥,你們都說超標?神級煉藥師還卷啥,國家帶起飛!冰與火之鐵王座給予弱女鋼鐵之心正經在人間打醬油足球世界觀讓你練短跑,你破了世界紀錄?網遊:低調法神,我有加特林火球陸神的國服女友神詭異仙苟在新手村半年,出來震撼三國被神選中打天下狂屠鐵手:血肉神鍛開局七根羽毛,這也算天賦?模板奧尼爾,美女都是我的充電寶王者:是個英雄就超標,別太離譜世界盃:我把C羅喂吐了無止的界限開局暴力林丹體驗卡,我無敵了

rd。 She forgot that the moon had looked through a

window of the high; dark night; and nodded like a magic

recognition; signalled to her to follow。 Sun and moon travelled

on; and left her; passed her by; a rich woman enjoying her

riches。 She should go also。 But she could not go; when they

called; because she must stay at home now。 With satisfaction she

relinquished the adventure to the unknown。 She was bearing her


There was another child ing; and Anna lapsed into vague

content。 If she were not the wayfarer to the unknown; if she

were arrived now; settled in her builded house; a rich woman;

still her doors opened under the arch of the rainbow; her

threshold reflected the passing of the sun and moon; the great

travellers; her house was full of the echo of journeying。

She was a door and a threshold; she herself。 Through her

another soul was ing; to stand upon her as upon the

threshold; looking out; shading its eyes for the direction to




During the first year of her marriage; before Ursula was

born; Anna Brangwen and her husband went to visit her mother's

friend; the Baron Skrebensky。 The latter had kept a slight

connection with Anna's mother; and had always preserved some

officious interest in the young girl; because she was a pure


When Baron Skrebensky w


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