首頁 > 遊戲競技 > The Rainbow-虹(英文版) > 第27部分

第27部分(第2/9 頁)

最新遊戲競技小說: 神詭異仙苟在新手村半年,出來震撼三國被神選中打天下狂屠鐵手:血肉神鍛開局七根羽毛,這也算天賦?模板奧尼爾,美女都是我的充電寶王者:是個英雄就超標,別太離譜世界盃:我把C羅喂吐了無止的界限開局暴力林丹體驗卡,我無敵了源啟:終盡足壇怪咖網遊之神偷盜賊鬥羅:當千仞雪不戀愛腦後全民:領主大人別衝動網遊:開局覺醒本源天賦活下去尋找生命的意義全息遊戲:在遊戲裡當小地主全職高手之最強散人網遊:開局覺醒無限技能點

desultorily with her。 It was sweeter than sunshine; and not so

evanescent。 It was even irritating the way the church…clock kept

on chiming: there seemed no space between the hours; just a

moment; golden and still; whilst she traced his features with

her finger…tips; utterly careless and happy; and he loved her to

do it。

But he was strange and unused。 So suddenly; everything that

had been before was shed away and gone。 One day; he was a

bachelor; living with the world。 The next day; he was with her;

as remote from the world as if the two of them were buried like

a seed in darkness。 Suddenly; like a chestnut falling out of a

burr; he was shed naked and glistening on to a soft; fecund

earth; leaving behind him the hard rind of worldly knowledge and

experience。 He heard it in the huckster's cries; the noise of

carts; the calling of children。 And it was all like the hard;

shed rind; discarded。 Inside; in the softness and stillness of

the room; was the naked kernel; that palpitated in silent

activity; absorbed in reality。

Inside the room was a great steadiness; a core of living

eternity。 Only far outside; at the rim; went on the noise and

the destruction。 Here at the centre the great wheel was

motionless; centred upon itself。 Here was a poised; unflawed

stillness that was beyond time; because it remained the same;



瀟湘水色 耽美 neleta 全文+番外虛空血統天龍八部之獨孤九劍武峰tf之寫給年少回不去的愛凝天道